Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Featured Author: Rich Follett

Why are you so wise?

I believe that the rare moments when I perceive myself to be truly wise (enlightened and empowered) are borne of recognizing that a.) the most compelling questions are those which lead to even more compelling questions and b.) it is impossible to know everything about anything.

Why are you so clever?

I am clever because: a.) I have spent my entire life trying to rise above mere cleverness b.) I have dedicated my life to learning and c.) human beings learn only by experiencing failure.

Why do you write such good books?

I write good books because bad books accomplish nothing.

Why are you a destiny?

I am a destiny by virtue of my survival and longevity against overwhelming odds. Overcoming adversity carries a moral obligation to encourage others struggling to embrace hope.

What is your declaration of war?

I have declared war on complacency in myself and in others.

What does your hammer say?

Nihilism = complacency = Thanatos

Rich Follett is an actor, musician and teacher who has recently returned to writing poetry after a thirty-year hiatus. A founding member of the Shenandoah Valley’s premiere poetry group The Aubade Circle, his work has been published in several issues of Paraphilia and Calliope Nerve and in a ‘Featured Poet’ capacity at Counterexample Poetics. Rich has been repeatedly recognized for his artistry in spoken word, most notably at the inaugural summer poetry festival in Middletown, Virginia and on blog talk radio. The poet Duane Locke has publically recognized the excellence of his poetic artistry. His first book of poetry, Responsorials (written with Constance Stadler) is available from NeoPoiesis Press: www.neopoisispress.com

1 comment:

  1. You're up and running. Very nice. Rich Follett is a great choice.
