In an effort to ask six key and yet somewhat off-putting questions, it may be interesting to appeal to Nietzsche's chapter headings in Ecce Homo, turn them into questions, and pose them as is. Terms like wisdom, cleverness, destiny, war, and the notion of the hammer are all very specialized in Nietzsche and do not necessarily convey the conceit they may appear to.
Why are you so wise?
Why are you so clever?
Why do you write such good books?
Why are you a destiny?
What is your declaration of war?
What does your hammer say?
I will contact literary authors and pose these questions, posting the results hopefully one per day. In the end, these Nietzschean interviews will result in a large database of contemporary authors who can be matched by their unique responses to these six questions.
If you are an author who wants to be featured on Ecce Scriptor, please send your name and responses to the above question (either as attachment or in the body of the email) to jonkilcalembour - AT - yahoo.com
To be eligible to participate, authors must have at least one book published (poetry, prose, or anything more on the literary side). Copy and paste the questions above and answer them. There are no length restrictions, but keep in mind that internet viewers tend to be fickle and will navigate away from daunting chunks of text. If you please, send a link to your website so that readers who are interested but yet may not be familiar with your work can avail themselves of learning more.